World Combined Events Tour et Décastar
Le Décastar fait partie du circuit des meeting internationaux d’épreuves combinées de la fédération internationale d’athlétisme (WA) appelé ” World Athletics Combined Events Tour”. Le circuit prend en compte le décathlon masculin et l’heptathlon féminin.
How it works
If it is still necessary to present them, these queen events of Athletics see complete athletes confronting each other, who, over two days, compete in 10 events for the decathlon and 7 for the heptathlon.
In each of these events, the performance achieved by the athletes is converted into points by means of the 1984 International Scoring Table, which assigns a number of points to each performance. During these events, the competitors accumulate these points and the total achieved by each athlete is used to establish the final ranking.
Qualification for the major championships is divided between minimums, ranking, winners of previous world championships and the previous year’s Combined Events Tour, for a total of 24 qualified athletes.
The “ranking” system is based on the two main elements of all performances: the athletes’ results converted into a certain number of points and their ranking during the competitions. Competitions are classified by category, and bonus points differ within each category. There are ten different categories for competitions, and the bonus points obtained vary according to the importance of the competition. For example, the World Championships & Olympic Games category reflects the strongest competitions and therefore awards the highest number of points.
The Décastar is positioned at “Gold” level and is registered in the highest category of “GL” meetings, thus offering the same number of bonus points as a continental championship (Europe, for example).