A sustainable meeting

Making Décastar a committed event was born of a desire and a necessity: to demonstrate that it is possible to combine sporting events and eco-responsibility!
Since 2012, and under the impetus of its presidents, we have placed this issue at the heart of our action, by joining forces with the CNOSF and carrying its label “Développement Durable, le sport s’engage”. In 2023, we were awarded the “silver” label.
In 2021, we took a further step forward and strengthened our approach by signing up to the “15 eco-responsible commitments for sports event organizers” charter, a joint initiative of the French Ministry of Sports and WWF France, aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2024, we join the World Athletics certification program, “Athletics for a Better World”.
A fully-fledged SD sector is in charge of our commitments, sharing and coordinating them, and ensuring that they are followed up and disseminated to all our stakeholders.
We are committed to working collectively with our various partners, athletes and spectators through an SD action plan, the partner’s eco-responsible charter and the volunteer’s eco-guide.
In 2023, this commitment has resulted in a number of actions:
- Shift our food offering towards more sustainable, local produce
Organic food for athletes
Short supply chains with products from New Aquitaine
Choice of traditional or vegetarian meals for volunteers and foodtrucks for spectators
- Encouraging sustainable mobility and carpooling
Introduction of a free car-sharing exchange via an Internet platform, promotion of the TBM transport network, bicycle signposting and provision of 3 bicycle parking facilities.
- Waste reduction and recovery
Limitation, sorting and recycling of waste produced during the meeting by a dedicated team.
Recovered and recycled oyster shells with the Coquilles de l’ESS association. Washing of glasses and cutlery. Use of reusable cups.
- Preserving the site and green spaces
Respect the stadium and its surroundings.
Respect the charter of commitment with the City of Talence. Complete cleaning of the site after the meeting.
- Reducing our paper consumption
Use of digital tools, (dematerialized ticketing, results on social networks and free application).
Aware of our environmental and social impact, we also focus our efforts on the rational use of equipment and the extension of its lifespan.
- Applying a responsible purchasing approach
Specifications with eco-responsible criteria, partner’s eco-responsible charter.
70% of purchases from companies in the New Aquitaine region.
- Promoting gender equality
Encourage the participation and balanced representation of women in all aspects of the event, Board of Directors, organizing committee, volunteers.
Implementation of equal pay for men and women.
Non-discriminatory communication, raising awareness of sexual and gender-based violence.
Promotion of women’s sport.
- Contributing to a more inclusive society
Promoting diversity with handisport and adapted sport races.
- Organization of events for all athletes
Partnership with the Fédération Française du Sport Adapté, Ligue de Nouvelle Aquitaine, the Fédération Française Handisport and the Fédération du Sport en Entreprises.
- Welcoming people with disabilities
A team is dedicated to people with reduced mobility during Décastar.
- Involvement in solidarity causes
Organization of the corporate race in aid of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.
In partnership with Aquitaine Destination Enfance, which works with children treated in pediatric oncology wards in New Aquitaine, we welcomed a group of 7 children who discovered the world of sport.
- Responsible volunteer management
Raising awareness of SD issues at the meeting.
Safety training.
Skilfully prepared for the 2 days.
Choice between traditional and vegetarian meals.
Provision of a convivial rest area.
- Assessing our carbon footprint
Production of a total carbon footprint for the event using ADEME’s Climate Coach, and a carbon footprint for spectator and athlete travel using a local tool.
- Raising awareness of sustainable development with the "green team
A “Green Team” has been set up to raise public awareness and gather public perceptions of the effectiveness of our actions. In addition to this perception, it also collects comments and suggestions, which is essential in our continuous improvement approach. It also carries out a travel survey, which is then used to draw up a carbon footprint for travel.